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Shayna Punim

Directed by Emilie Anderson

Shayna Punim

Donna Finkle dreams of being a writer, but doesn’t know how to tell her overbearing family, who she feels just want her to settle down and get married. At first, Donna attempts to do it all– please her family by entertaining their fruitless matchmaking attempts, and simultaneously achieve her dream by submitting to publishing houses– but after three writing rejections and numerous failed romances, Donna is left exhausted and discouraged. Then, when Donna’s pretty, perfect younger sister, Esti, gets engaged at family dinner night… it’s the last straw. After a tearful, dramatic break down, Donna is ready to tell her family the truth about how she feels– and in doing so, prove that she is more than just a “shayna punim.” Going in, Donna expects the worst, but… her family might just surprise her.


Directed by Emilie Anderson

Plays in

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